Sunday, January 6, 2008

Watch out for the falling iguanas

Sorry to all you folks who are buried under snow, that was my day today. That's Sara, taking off away from me.

Sara and Kati making sand angels.

Big sis was even nice and helped baby Mia.

The weather was just beautiful and we got the kites up in the air. The only problem was that earlier in the week, the temperature dipped down into the 30's at night. Not bad for most of us, but Miami happens to be overrun with a non-native species of green iguana, that looks somewhat like either a huge lizard or a smallish komodo dragon. They like to sun themselves out in the grass during the day, but then sleep up in the trees at night.

When the temp dips below 40, they go into a very deep sleep that causes them to lose their grip on the trees and fall out. It is almost as if they are dead, because they don't move or anything. They have up to ten hours to warm up, and they will be ok, come out of their deep sleeps and walk on off. But if they don't warm up in time, unfortunately they die. We did see a couple out in the park this morning that were just like mummies. Strange but true. Mia walked right over one before we realized it wasn't a tree branch.


Momisodes said...

Wow! 24 years in Miami and I had no idea they did that :) And they're everywhere!! Maybe because it was never cold enough....

Anyhow, green with envy over here in bitter cold temps surrounded by snow :(

Lisa said...

Hi Sandy - yep, pretty weird thing.

I'll be suffering in August, you can get me back for the weather then!

Cakes said...

What a fun day!
I can't imagine one of those guys falling on your head when you're walking under a tree! I think I now have a new phobia...

Lisa said...

@Cakes - Have to go out kind of late at night to get hit in the head. Worse phobia is stepping on one that is waking up (sorry)